Every one in our neighborhood use to see Bimbo and I as twins sisters. We do everything together. I am an usher at church but she is the choir leader of our church. During this last long vacation at school, I planned to travel to see my parents about my engagement programme with bro Yemi.

The weekend I was to go home was the same weekend Bimbo told me she will be starting her leave at work. I persuaded her to travel home with me, may be she could start her ‘best lady’ assignment I thought, but she said she has lots of engagement at the church with the choir. So I decided to travel alone.

I travelled on a Friday evening. I planned to come back after two weeks.
My dad’s love for me won’t let me feel her absence too much, so I worried less about her going with me. I knew I will be consumed with a lot of activities at home with the family. My dad had visited the registry office on our behalf in preparation for the registry wedding. And so he needed some documents to submit at the registry. I planned to travel back on Sunday to get the documents.

Before I travelled, bro Yemi’s coldness to me had given me great concern. He had reduced his calls to me. I’m the one that usually call him unlike before. When I told him about my plans to travel home to sort out preparations for our traditional wedding, I didn’t see the great excitement I expected. He just said ‘Ok’, I was so sure, definitely something is wrong with him I couldn’t unravel.

I can recall how he use to give me gifts. But of recent he has stopped. I thought the wedding plans is weighing him down. He was suppose to also discuss with his parents about our recent plans on the wedding. But to my surprise his response was always same when I asked if he has done that “I have no problems with my parents, they will follow our programmes, I will try and see them” three times he answered me in this manner.

On Sunday after the house fellowship around 6:00 pm I left for Ibadan as I planned. I got to Ibadan exactly 8:35. It was a little difficult for me to get a cab home, so I decided to call bro Yemi, may be he could come and pick me and drop me at home in his car, but his line had been switched off.

I had earlier call him twice to tell him I will be returning to get the documents, but his phone rang the two times without response. I was expecting him to call me back which he hasn’t done. I didn’t want to call Bimbo. I wanted her see me back in excitement.

I was still thinking on how I will get home when this cab parked by me asking me where I was going. Without even answering first, I opened the door and hopped in. He was my saviour that night, by that time It was 9:24.

On getting home, I knocked and knocked on the gate, no response. This was when I decided to call Bimbo. She picked my call immediately. She shouted with amazement when I said I was at the gate. But to my surprise, It was after five minutes I decided to call her again, when I didn’t see her coming to open the gate. But my sister said she was still looking for the gate’s key.

To be continued…….

Click Here for part 1
Click Here for part 3


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