The moment some ladies go into a relationship, the man is in trouble! They immediately turn him to their ATM and demand outrageous things including frequent trips to eateries and shopping mall!
No man is in your life to slave for you. We are talking about love here not slavery. When a man genuinely loves you, he will give to you without stress. But to hold him by the throat and demand he pays for every darn thing in your life including pants and bra is criminal, it is fraud! Give that guy space bikonu, he is not the one who ask you to be broke!
One lady told me her fiance is uncaring. How? He didn’t buy her phone! I was mad! “What happened to your own brain and 2 hands? Can’t you buy your own phone by yourself?” I demanded! What is wrong with this new generation girls?
Another complained her “boyfriend” didn’t care about her because he didn’t buy her things. Bikonu, go and sit down! Who asked you to be dating a boy in the first place?
Bottom line ladies, find work to do before looking for a man to marry. If you have no work or business you are doing, it should be because you are either in school or learning a skill.
Enter into relationships to be a blessing not to use your man as a blessing, sucking till you suck all his finance dry is criminal!
Ask him for help if you need it but do not place a demand on his head like he is owing you, he does not owe you anything puuuleeeeaaaze! He is not yet married to you, you are not yet his wife!
Work hard to make your own money and take good care of yourself. That is how to win a man’s respect for life! That is how to show you are a woman of dignity and self worth!
Don’t be too expensive when asking for help. How can you be asking for #5000 for hairdo when he earns only #30, 000! Are you kidding me???!!
Buy your own clothes and shoes! Buy your pants and bra! Buy yourself suya and drink! Buy all the chocolate your over sweet mouth want with your own money! Don’t kill the son of Adam because he asks you out, Jesus! What do you need a man for? To die for you? Jesus already did that, let that guy breathe, please!
I am not saying a man should not spend on a woman. I’m not saying he should not give to you at all, neither did I say you should not ask for assistance when you need it.
Do so with love and in moderation considering his income. Don’t kill his future by eating all his finance today. I hope you understand my ladies.
Thanks for reading. God bless you. Cheers!
©️ SeunOladele
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