Benita looked at her wristwatch, it’s 9:45pm.
Benita: Wow, it’s late already she muttered. Holy ghost shield me with your glory. Amen.
The programme started. Benita wasn’t comfortable at all.
Praise and worship was going on, she wasn’t just flowing. She could still feel the presence of marine spirit. Everyone was busy worshiping and singing, dancing and jubilating. Benita was seated praying. She looked Shola’s way. She was busy dancing and singing.
Few minutes after praise and worship, it was announced that Panam Percy Paul could not make it to the programme. Everyone felt disappointed, Benita too. That was actually the reason she was there.
Time for ministration. A woman walked up to the podium as Minister Zina. As she handled the mic, Benita’s eyes were opened and what she saw handling the mic was a golden fish with a very loooong hair.
“Blood of Jesus Christ.”; she muttered.
Minister Zina looked at her; “Young lady”.
Benita answered with shock; “Yes please”.
Minister Zina: “Are you okay?”
Benita: “Yes ma.”
Minister Zina: “Good. Please don’t be distracted. Listen to the word of God.”
The minister continued her message…
Benita saw yet another vision. The altar was a big ocean with millions of mermaids.
Benita: “Blood of Jesus Christ. Holy ghost!!! Where is this?”
“Oh Jesus, save me please.”
The woman turned to Benita again. Benita could sense the rage in her eyes.
“Arrrgh,…” continued Benita, “and I did not even pray. I was so carried away by the guest.” “Panam Percy Paul was only a scam to gather people,”
She looked around…
“… and they really did. Holy Ghost please save me today, I promise to be careful next time.”
Again, she looked Shola’s way. She was busy enjoying the sermon and shouting amen to Minister Zina’s declarations. Benita shook her head; “If only she knew or could see what I just saw.”
Message is over but the minister had some announcements to make.
“Somebody shout gloooory.” “While I preached, God laid in my heart to help people. If you are sitting on the green chair you are one of them. Please wait behind.”
There are three colours of chairs in the hall. Red, white and green. There was jubilation, clapping and shouting.
Minister Zina pointed at Benita…
“You, young lady.”
She smiled…
“Daughter of the Most High.” “Hey!!!!”
She speaks in tongues…
“I see so much anointing on you. Please step, the Lord said I should lay my hands on you.”
Benita stood up
“I’m very sorry ma, you can’t lay your hands on me.”
Minister Zina smiled…
“Hmmm, God told me you will refuse. He said I should help you.”
“Wait and see me.”
Benita: “I’m also very sorry ma. I won’t be needing your help. Thanks so much.”
Hahahahaha Minister Zina laughed.
“God was right. He told me you will refuse twice.”
The programme ended at about 4:30am. Shola was to wait because she sat on the green chair.
Sandra was so mad at Benita. She walked up to her.
“How dare you? You little brat.” “How dare you humiliate my pastor like that by turning her down?”
“You are such a fool, and an ingrate.”
Benita looked her in the eyeballs.
“You are one of them.”
Sandra was shocked…
Benita: “Yes you heard me, and God will expose you all.”
Sandra: “Hmm, I can see that you know too much. Don’t dare us, if you still value your life.”
Benita: “Ten thousand of you cannot harm me. I bare on my body the marks of Jesus Christ.”
Sandra: “Be warned. We are a moving train. Don’t try stand on our way. We crush without mercy.”
Benita: “I am the rail. I cannot be crushed.”
Just then Minister Zina surfaced.
To be continued…
Click Here for part 1
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