Marry Your Best Friend!

If I don’t marry my best friend, who else will I marry? (Good to know you just asked yourself)

Sometimes I hear some singles say I can’t marry him, I can’t marry her, we are too close. We’ve known virtually everything about each other. And I’m like sooo? The truth is, only your friend can make a journey like marriage an interesting one for you.

You need a guy you can always bare your feelings to without fears. You need a lady who makes you feel safe, both within and without. Only your friend wants the very best for you in life.

Your friend will do whatever it takes to see you get to your place of fulfillment in life. He will support your dreams and visions like they are his. She will go extra mile for you, take your life seriously like it’s hers.

Marriage is a long time commitment. If he can’t be your friend, then he’s not qualified to be your King. If she can’t be your friend, she’s not fit to be your Queen.

You become friends before becoming lovers. Successful marriages are built on friendship. Marrying your best friend helps you enjoy the twist and turns in marriage even more and you both get through it easily.

Marriage is by choice just like friendship is by choice!

The difference is just that your choice of friend may not affect you like your choice of a life partner will affect you. The consequences of choosing a wrong friend can not be compared to the consequences of choosing a wrong partner. The latter is greater than the former.

Marriage is sweeter when you marry your best friend. You can go through the journey knowing you’ve got each other’s back. You both do all it takes to see God glorified in your marriage.

If you’ve fallen in love with your best friend, don’t hesitate to take a step ahead. You know why? Your marriage will be a bliss thereby making your journey all the way better.

-Mary Balogun 

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