Make Yourself As Good as the Type Of Person You Desire

The idea of “finding” a partner stresses the fact that not just anybody can be your mate. There is a “right person”, who will fit-in with you, to make a complete union, which will fulfil the purpose for which God established marriage. It is easy however, to be busy looking out for the “right person”, probably laying out specific qualities to be possessed by such a one, without quite considering whether you are in a right condition to be found by another person. The all important step to locating a marriage partner, therefore, is to make yourself as good as the type of person you desire.

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Think and consider if you constitute a right person to be sought after. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you (Matt. 7:12). Remember, water seeks its own level. If you desire a pastor as a partner, you must build yourself up in the things of God. If you desire a financial pillar for the Church of Christ as a partner, you must build yourself up to be a worthy complement.

Position yourself in God’s will, purge yourself of every impurity and exhibit the qualities that you want in your mate. To find the right person, make yourself as good as the type of person you desire to have.

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