Before I met my husband, I used to have this very close friend who was tall, dark and handsome. Not only that, he was a powerful dresser. You know those kind of guys who wear designer clothes all the time! (those kinda guys used to attract me o, lol), he was also a brainy – a first class candidate in university studying a very cool course (I’m attracted to brainies too! lol. Ok enough secrets!) He was a talker, loved to crack jokes, and always made me laugh. For instance, we would talk for 4 hours straight every single day without getting bored! We had so much in common except one thing – he was a staunch Muslim and I was a Christian.
To be honest, I was beginning to consider him as a potential fiancé because he was just so cool. It took the intervention of my wonderful, godly parents for me to quit the friendship because I was already “in love”. Thank God I did because a few weeks later I got connected to my husband who was everything I desired in a guy and more.
Dear Christian singles, an unbeliever is a NO NO!!!
Marriage is no joke, it’s no child’s play, it is a life-time commitment to a man who can make or mar your life forever! Therefore, the person who you choose to walk this journey with must be someone who shares the same spiritual beliefs as you do (Amos 3:3), someone who has genuinely accepted Jesus Christ into his life as his Lord and Saviour and is walking in the same Light as you are (2 Cor 6:14). Yes, that is the kind of man you should begin to consider as a potential husband, not just a church goer.
See, when you truly understand who you are (Royalty) in Christ, you won’t go for anyone less. If he derives pleasure in drinking, smoking, clubbing etc, do you derive pleasure in these too? Like the saying goes “Love is blind” but guess what? Marriage opens the blind eyes! You don’t want to spend your years in marriage fasting and praying for things you could have avoided if only you went God’s way. His spiritual beliefs is one of the fundamental things you should pay attention to in making a decision to avoid stories that touch the heart in marriage but the choice is yours!
If you are yet to experience the true love of God and would sincerely like to, please say this prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you for dying for me. I confess my sins and ask that you forgive me. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Thank you for saving me. Amen.
If you just said this prayer, it’s the best decision you can make in life. Please find a Bible believing church where you can learn more about God. God bless you!!!