Stop doing this please:
Everytime you have private issues with your partner rather than talking about it privately with your partner and sort things out, you quickly run to your WhatsApp and Instagram stories to post some very indirect finger pointing quotes that talks about how you’re feeling, this is called an ABUSE OF CONFLICT. Too childish for anyone who is mature enough to keep a love relationship to do.
Many relationships never get past their issues because people prefer to talk to strangers about it instead of talking to whom it may concern – your partner. Please stop doing that, it is not a peace setting attitude that should accompany a believing relationship and marriage. There is no relationship without its own bespoke issues, but when this issues come up don’t start making posts and uploading quotes suggesting to your partner and the people it does not concern that something is wrong.
Some people can be fighting with their partner and he will have no idea what’s going on, he gets to know something is wrong when aunty puts up one funny Steve Harvey’s quote that says “If you are tired of loving me I will keep loving myself” . That’s when he knows something is bothering his girl. Sometimes he gets to know something is wrong when his friends start sending him screenshots of some posts his girl is making on IG. Stop it. Keep your private life private, if something is wrong talk about it with your partner, and leave people out of your business.
This is one trick I use and it works for me, let me share:
Each time I have something to say to Aunty, maybe she did something that doesn’t sit well with me and I feel that strong urge to pour out my feelings on my status, know what I do? I just post all her fine pictures on my status to confuse her, within me I’m very very angry, but the expression of my anger still has to produce love. (Hope someone understands this one? It still has to produce love) I’m not perfect with this trick yet, still growing and learning into it, but I want to encourage you to try it too, alright? It works
Anytime you’re angry over something your partner did or didnt do and you’re too angry to even talk to them about it for that moment, just go to your status and post all their fine pictures and confuse their brain. It works two ways: first your anger produces love, and then it makes your partner know that your anger or your differences in that moment does not change a single thing! You still love them scaarrer!. And sometimes, those pictures help to confuse your village people who are silently waiting for you two to break up.
Scripture says is not what comes in that defiles a man, but goes out. So it’s okay to be angry, but let your anger always produce love. Do I have anyone here willing to start trying this anger management trick with me from now on?
Credit: #allisonhyacintho